A propos du site

Ce site est la version 2.1 de davidranc.com. L'ancien site est disponible ici.
Je maintiens aussi un blog qui est mon journal visuel, et où je m'efforce de publier au moins une photo par jour sur: http://davidikus.blogspot.com/.

A propos de son auteur


David Ranc - 23, Devonshire Street - Marylebone - London W1G 6PG
+44 (0) 7960 567 551 - d.r@davidranc.com


Un CV universitaire est disponible ici, sur la page dédiée à ma recherche.


* 2006-2009 : Professeur de photographie pour Oxbridge Academic Programs

* 2009 (August) : "Photographe du mois" sur le magasine de mode en ligne www.fashionphobic.com

* 2008 : Exposition collective au Musée André Kertész à Szigetbecse (Hongrie)

* 2006 : Premier et troisième prix de la compétition annuelle de photographie de la Cambridge University Graduate Union

Sélection des photographies publiées

* Portraits pour le groupe de folk Trickbox, composé de Christopher Clarke et Timothy Taylor, pour la sortie de leur premier album Shambles, reprises dans différentes publications, y compris le documentaire vidéo sur le groupe

* Portraits collectifs pour le projet caritatif "What took you so long?"
Ces photos ont été publiées sur plusieurs sites dont : matadorchange.com, sandbox-network.com et repris par l'agence de presse suédoise Newsdesk

* Série de photos de mode "There is Beauty" pour le magasine de mode en ligne www.fashionphobic.com (Juillet 2009)

* Série de photos de mode "Café Colours" pour le magasine de mode en ligne Running in Heels (Juillet 2009)

* The Mays 15, 2007, conception graphique de tout le livre et photographies. Tout le matériel promotionnel pour le livre, flyer, affiches et invitations utilisait les photos et la conception graphique du livre

* Oxbridge Academic brochure 2008, Photos

* The Hidden Hall, livre édité par Peter Pagnamenta et publié par Third Millenium Publishing (Londres) en 2004: Fellows' Garden, page 104; Portail, page 104; Vitrail de l'antechapel, page 139; North Court, page 203

* Oxbridge Academic brochure 2007, Photos

* Création mondiale de Wetmarsh College or, Dr Middlebottom, comédie musicale de Mark Wainwright & Roland Anderson, ADC Theatre, 7-12 février 2005, toutes les photographies de promotion dont : flyer, affiche, programmes, photographies dans le programme du Lent Term de l'ADC Theatre

* Varsity, magasine hebdomadaire, Cambridge: vendredi 29 avril 2005, photo de l'équipage féminin de Cambridge juste après sa victoire sur Oxford, dernière page

* The Cambridge Student, magasine hebdomadaire, Cambridge: jeudi 28 avril 2005, illustration de l'article 'Cambridge men lose Boat Race, but women come out on top'

* Affiche pour la Development squad, Cambridge University Women Boat Club: le Blue Boat brandissant le trophée

Expérience professionnelle

* Depuis 2008 : Consultant chargé de recherches, Boyden (Global Executive Search & Interim Management), Londres
* Depuis 2005 : Co-fondateur, membre du comité & oueb-masteur de Sport&EU (the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union)

* 2005-2006 : Chercheur invité, Université Libre de Bruxelles
* 2001-2002 : Consultant, Brand and Business Consulting, Paris
* 1999-2000 : Chronique hebdomadaire en anglais sur www.football-europe.com
* 1999 : Journaliste et chercheur, Le Point, Paris (été)
* 1998 : Etude de marché, AXA Regional Office, Singapour, Département Développement
* 1997 : Service de communications, AXA-UAP, Paris (été)
* 1997 : Relations publiques, Lecoanet-Hémant, Haute Couture, Paris

David Ranc

About the site

This website is version 2.1 of davidranc.com. The old site is available here.
I also maintain a blog, which is my visual diary and where I strive to publish at least one picture a day on: http://davidikus.blogspot.com/.

About me

Contact details

David Ranc - 23, Devonshire Street - Marylebone - London W1G 6PG
+44 (0) 7960567551 - d.r@davidranc.com


An academic CV, including publications is available here on the research page.


* 2006-2009: Photography teacher at Oxbridge Academic Programs

* 2009 (August): "Photographer of the month" for the online fashion magazine: www.fashionphobic.com

* 2008: Collective exhition at the André Kertész Museum in Szigetbecse (Hungary)

* 2006: First and third prize at the Arts competition of the Cambridge University Graduate Union

Selected published photographs

* Portraits for the folk bandTrickbox, made of Christopher Clarke et Timothy Taylor, for the release of their first albumShambles, published on various supports, including their video documentary on the band

* Group photographs for the "What took you so long?" foundation.
These pictures have been published on various sites, including: matadorchange.com, sandbox-network.com and used by the Swedish press agency Newsdesk

* Photo series "There is Beauty" for the online fashion magazine www.fashionphobic.com (July 2009)

* Photo series "Café Colours" for the online fashion magazine Running in Heels (July 2009)

* The Mays 15, 2007, graphic design of the whole anthology and photographs. All promotional material for the book, including flyers, posters, invitations used the photographs and the graphic design for the book.

* Oxbridge Academic brochure 2008. Photos.

* The Hidden Hall, edited by Peter Pagnamenta and published by Third Millenium Publishing (London) in 2004: Fellows' Garden, page 104; Gate, page 104; Stained glass window in the antechapel, page 139; North Court, page 203.

* Oxbridge Academic brochure 2007. Photos.

* World creation of Wetmarsh College or, Dr Middlebottom, a musical by Mark Wainwright & Roland Anderson, ADC Theatre, 7-12 February 2005. All the promotional photographies, including flyers, posters, programs, photographs in the Lent Term 2005 program of the ADC theatre.

* Varsity, weekly newspaper, Cambridge: Friday 29 April 2005, picture of the victorious CUWBC boat on the last page.

* The Cambridge Student, weekly newspaper, Cambridge: Thursday 28 April 2005, illustration of the article 'Cambridge men lose Boat Race, but women come out on top'.

* Poster for the Development squad, Cambridge University Women Boat Club : the Blue Boat with the trophy.

Employment history

* Since March 2008: Research consultant at Boyden (Global Executive Search & Interim Management), London
* Since 2005: Co-founder, committee member & webmaster of Sport&EU (the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union)

* 2005-2006: Visiting research fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles
* 2001-2002: Consultant at Brand and Business Consulting, Paris
* 1999-2000: Weekly column in English for www.football-europe.com
* 1999: Journalist and researcher at Le Point (summer work)
* 1998: Market research at AXA Regional Office in Singapore, Development Department
* 1997: Communications at AXA-UAP, Paris (summer work)
* 1997: Public Relations at Lecoanet-Hémant, fashion-house of Haute Couture, Paris

Dr David Ranc
Recherche (page en Français) Photographie A propos (page en Français)
Research (page in English) Photography About (page in English)

Dr David Ranc PhD (Cantab) is a published photographer, photography teacher at Oxbridge Academic, web designer, French teacher, Research Consultant (head hunter) with Boyden Executive Search and Interim Management, and also one of the co-founders of Sport&EU, the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union.

Dr David Ranc holds a PhD in European Studies from the University of Cambridge (Trinity Hall and Centre of International Studies, an MPhil in European Studies from the same institution, an MA in Political Science (Public Administration) from Sciences-Po (Paris) and a BA in History from Université de Paris X - Nanterre

David Ranc has been described as "Dr David Ranc, BA Université de Paris X, MA Sciences-Po, MPhil, DPhil Cambridge. A published photographer, accomplished web designer, and experienced French teacher, David wrote his dissertation on the sociology of soccer fans. He has rowed for Trinity Hall Boat Club and the Cambridge 99s, as well as for clubs in Paris. He is also a member of the Cambridge University equestrian team."

David Ranc was also described as a doctoral student at the Centre of International Studies (Cambridge) where he works under the supervision of Dr Geoffrey Edwards (Pembroke). He was a visiting fellow, sponsored by the Wiener-Anspach Foundation at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2005-2006 and holds an MPhil in European Studies (Cambridge, 2001), a diplôme de l'IEP (Sciences-Po, Paris, 2000) and a Licence d'histoire (Paris X, Nanterre). His PhD research was entirely funded by his college, Trinity Hall.

David Ranc PhD (Cantab) est un photographe français habitant à Londres, professeur de photographie pour Oxbridge Academic Programs, web designer, professeur de Français, consultant chercheur pour Boyden Executive Search and Interim Management, et aussi l'un des co-fondateurs de Sport&EU, the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union.

David Ranc est docteur en Etudes Européennes de l'Université de Cambridge (Trinity Hall & Centre d'Etudes Internationales), a un Master en Etudes Européennes des mêmes institutions, un diplôme de l'IEP de Paris (Sciences-Po), et une licence d'histoire de l'Université de Paris X-Nanterre.